If you enjoyed Sutton Foster In Concert, there is more of Broadway’s best on Live From Lincoln Center’s STARS IN CONCERT series on PBS.

Next week, get ready to TALK LESS, SMILE MORE as….. WAIT FOR IT…. Leslie Odom Jr. takes center stage at the Appel Room (part of Jazz at Lincoln Center). In this concert, the Tony winning original AARON BURR SIR of Hamilton: An American Musical will perform a diverse selection of jazz standards, surprising new takes on classic Broadway songs, and much more.

Tune in next Friday night, April 27th, 2018 at 9pm to experience the soulful, R&B, and jazzy sounds of LESLIE ODOM JR IN CONCERT.

Check your local listings.

Who is excited?

#BroadwayonPBS #LeslieOdomJr #AaronBurrSir #TalkLessSmileMore #LFLC #StarsInConcert


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Author: NYBroadwayTours