BREAKING NEWS: Broadway’s Palace Theatre is preparing to FINALLY be raised up later this year. TSX Broadway took to social media today sharing a photo of the renovation and construction still in works. They also shared a post of everything is starting to get into place at the legendary Broadway house will be raised 29 feet above street level.
With the Palace being raised, it’s also making way for BOTH more retail shops and a brand new 470-foot hotel here in Manhattan.
The actual Theater will include a brand new entrance on 47th Street, an 80-foot-long marquee, plenty of space for upcoming big elaborate productions, a newly expanded lobby with twice as many restrooms, and more. In addition, all the notable historical pieces from the Theater’s legendary design including its chandelier and decorative plaster balcony fascia will BOTH be restored.
More announcements and details will be shared soon.
Who is excited?!!