SNAP, CLICK! After 20 months dark and a recent debut on Netflix, Broadway is ready to LIGHT THE WORLD. Tonight, the royal new musical Diana officially relaunches its Broadway run. The show resumes preview performances before officially having its long awaited Opening Night on November 17th, 2021 at the Longacre Theatre.
DIANA was one of the few newer shows that was just getting started at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. It had completed only a week and a half of previews with an initial Opening for March 31st, 2021. However, the show was put on hold due to to Live Theaters dark.
Break a leg to the entire cast, crew, musicians, and creative team!!
Who is excited?
May be an illustration of 1 person and text that says 'Diana A TRUE MUSICAL STORY'
Mike Haber
Author: Mike Haber