RENT THROWBACKS: When RENT celebrated its 10th Anniversary on Broadway. A fully edited professional montage was made in celebration of that incredible GLORY. The montage featured footage from the original company, various companies around the world, and some of the video footage projected on the set's wall during the finale of the show when the character of "Mark Cohen" finally screens his long awaited documentary. Check it out below.

#RentOnFox #RentLive #Rent #MeasureYourLifeInLove #MeasureInLove #SeasonsOfLove #WereNotGonnaPayRent #OneSongGlory #LightMyCandle #Today4U #TangoMaureen #OutTonight #AnotherDay #WillILooseMyDignity #SantaFe #IllCoverYou #WithAThousandSweetKisses #OverTheMoon #LeapOfFaith #LaVieBoheme #IShouldTellYou #ItsGonnaBeAHappyNewYear #TakeMeOrLeaveMe #ThisDivaNeedsHerStage #WithoutYou #GoodbyeLove #WhatYouOwn #LivinInAmerica #YourEyes #NoDayButToday #InspirationOfRent #ThankYouJonathanLarson

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Author: NYBroadwayTours