RENT THROWBACKS: When something in Pop Culture becomes talked about all over the world, that project becomes a parody being made fun of on numerous late show sketch comedy, movies, and TV shows. In 2004, a parody of RENT entitled LEASE was featured in the R-Rated marionette comedy film Team America: World Police. Their LA VIE BOHEME / NO DAY BUT TODAY parody song is entitled EVERYONE HAS AIDS.

Who remembers this film?

#RentOnFox #RentLive #Rent #MeasureYourLifeInLove #MeasureInLove #SeasonsOfLove #WereNotGonnaPayRent #OneSongGlory #LightMyCandle #Today4U #TangoMaureen #OutTonight #AnotherDay #WillILooseMyDignity #SantaFe #IllCoverYou #WithAThousandSweetKisses #OverTheMoon #LeapOfFaith #LaVieBoheme #IShouldTellYou #ItsGonnaBeAHappyNewYear #TakeMeOrLeaveMe #ThisDivaNeedsHerStage #WithoutYou #GoodbyeLove #WhatYouOwn #LivinInAmerica #YourEyes #NoDayButToday #InspirationOfRent #ThankYouJonathanLarson

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Author: NYBroadwayTours